How can I request information about the P.L.T?
    By writing an email to otherwise by going to the contact section of the site and calling us directly, we will be happy to help you.

    How do I renew my subscription?
    It is necessary to present the five-year card that is issued free of charge the first time you make the subscription, provided that you have a photo card, the renewal of the monthly subscription is made at the office of the Eusepi company located in Piazza Cavour (next to the tobacconist and in front of the Etruscan National Museum)from 27 of the month until 7 of the following month from Monday to Friday with the following hours from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 17.00 to 19.00 on Saturday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 8 to 26 of the month from Monday to Friday with the following hours from 10.30 to 12.30 and from 17.00 to 19.00 on Saturdays from 10.30 to 12.30.

    What do you need to make the subscription?
    To make the subscription you need a photo card and an ID.

    What do I do if I lose my subscription?
    Monthly, semi-annual or annual subscriptions are non-refundable. In any case, it is advisable to lodge a regular complaint with the competent authorities.

    My children until what age do they pay for public transport?
    Children up to one meter in height do not pay, those above one meter in height pay regular ticket or subscription.

    If a bus is late or if I have other complaints about the public transport service, can I write to the Company?
    Complaints relating to the transport service should be addressed directly to the company that performs the service. Complaints can be made directly at the offices of the Company Eusepi (Piazza Cavour or Via Umberto I) that will provide you with the prepared form or alternatively online on the website it in the complaints or suggestions section.

    When does the subscription expire?
    The monthly subscription is valid from the 1st day of the month until the end of the reference month, it is advisable to go before the end of the month to the reference office for renewal. For half-yearly or annual subscriptions, the expiry date stated on the subscription shall be valid.

    Where can I get P.L.T schedule?
    The timetables are available at the offices of the Company that provides them free of charge, or online on our website.

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